
The dissemination activities associted to the project covers presentations in events and conferences, mentions in different types of publications, news, etc. The following are the main dissemination results that are available online.


García-Holgado, A., Tajes-Reiris, I., Kearney, N. A., Martinus, C., & García-Peñalvo, F. J. (2019). An app to support yoga teachers to implement a yoga-based approach to promote wellbeing among young people: usability study. In P. Zaphiris & A. Ioannou (Eds.), Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Designing Learning Experiences. 6th International Conference, LCT 2019, Held as Part of the 21st HCI International Conference, HCII 2019, Orlando, FL, USA, July 26–31, 2019, Proceedings, Part I (pp. 38-49). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-21814-0_4 (PDF)

Hagen, I. (2019). Lek med yoga: Utdrag. Cappelen Damm (PDF)

Charlotta, M. (2018). Teen Yoga For Yoga Therapists: A Guide to Development, Mental Health and Working with Common Teen Issues. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Master thesis

Suau Font, M. (2018). Beneficios de la práctica del yoga en Educación Secundaria: Proyecto Hippocampus [Master, University of Salamanca]. Salamanca, Spain. https://gredos.usal.es/handle/10366/138208

Undergraduate thesis

García Gómez, L. (2019). Programa de prevención de la ansiedad en adolescentes a través de la autorregulación emocional mediante la práctica de yoga [Undergraduate, University of Salamanca]. Salamanca, Spain.

Tajes Reiris, I. (2019). Framework para el desarrollo ágil de aplicaciones móviles basado eningeniería de dominio [Undergraduate, University of Salamanca]. Salamanca, Spain.

News and online contents

GRIAL Research Group, USAL: short page about the project https://grial.usal.es/hippocampus

GRIAL Research Group website: Lanzamiento del proyecto europeo para introducir el yoga en las escuelas https://grial.usal.es/news/lanzamiento-del-proyecto-europeo-para-introducir-el-yoga-en-las-escuelas

Interview for the Gaucho Communicator Newsletter: http://www.comm.ucsb.edu/sites/secure.lsit.ucsb.edu.comm.d7-3/files/sitefiles/documents/Gaucho%20Communicator%20Fall%202017.pdf

Sunnhordland, Norway: «Da kjeme seg på Vikjo» – eit innspel til yoga-debatten https://www.sunnhordland.no/meiningar/da-kjeme-seg-pa-vikjo-eit-innspel-til-yoga-debatten/

YEU International newsletter: YEU started implementation of HIPPOCAMPUS project http://www.yeu-international.org/en/publications/newsmail/news/yeu-started-implementation-of-hippocampus-project

GRIAL Research Group website: Reunión en Bruselass del proyecto europeo HIPPOCAMPUS https://grial.usal.es/news/reuni%C3%B3n-en-bruselas-del-proyecto-europeo-hippocampus

IES Venancio Blanco website: Participación en la clausura del proyecto HIPPOCAMPUS, en Londres https://www.iesvenancioblanco.es/index.php/833-el-ies-venancio-blanco-en-la-clausura-del-proyecto-hippocampus-en-londres

GRIAL Research Group website: multiplier (mainstreaming) event in Salamanca https://grial.usal.es/news/salud-mental-y-bienestar-en-los-j%C3%B3venes-proyecto-hippocampus


TYF with STEPHANIE CUNNINNGHAM: https://www.yogacampus.com/specialist-courses/teaching-yoga-and-mindfulness-to-young-people

TYF with KAT BYLES: http://truebusinesswithkatbyles.libsyn.com/ep006-empowering-children-with-yoga-charlotta-martinus

TYF with YOGA LIGHTNESS: https://www.yogalightness.com.au/podcasts-3/2018/7/18/teen-yoga-with-charlotta-martinus


HIPPOCAMPUS Project – Yoga in non-formal education context

Piloting HIPPOCAMPUS in the organisations

Piloting by YEU International

Piloting by Oxfam Italia

Piloting by IES Venancio Blanco

Piloting by Teen Yoga Foundation

Piloting by NTNU